When you share happiness with someone, you multiply it.

The New Year's Eve draw campaign has become a tradition. After Frekkel, Freddie and Frummel, we are once again able to give substance to the core idea of "30 million is the second best prize" in a high-profile manner. The focus is not on the main prize, but on sharing happiness.

This year, the main character is Fritsie, a cuckoo-clock bird who could use some luck. His owner does everything in his power to make Fritsie happy again. After a long search, they arrive in a café, where Fritsie revives when a cheerful cuckoo sounds from a clock behind the bar. The waitress sees this happening and gives her clock to Fritsie’s owner. As a thank you, he leaves her his New Year's Eve lottery ticket. And so we show: happiness is even more beautiful when you share it with someone else. The music, which was created especially for the campaign by HAEVN and the British world star Birdy, increases the impact.